Pregmate pregnancy tests- positive or negative? - Trying to Conceive | Forums | What to Expect (2025)

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Hi all! I’ve already been to the doctor this morning and had my blood drawn for a pregnancy test but wanted to see what you all think. I’ve been using pregmate pregnancy strips. For 3 days straight I was getting one positive test a day and like 3 negative tests. I took all different brands. I am 8.5 month postpartum so I have no period and I’ve been having deep acne, craving milk which I only did when I was pregnant and a little bit of nausea. Besides that I feel totally normal. I think I just got a bunch of faulty tests. Has anyone experienced this with this brand?

All pictures were taken within the time frame so I am just so confused!

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I never had issues with these tests with my first two kids but i wasn’t using them regularly because we were not actively trying. I also see a line on your first response tests. Timing of day and urine holds can affect the hcg amouny of your urine too.

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these were all in the morning and using the same urine, so that’s where I’m unsure. Thank you for your input though, makes me feel better!

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does the dye move across the test slower than normal? That’s what’s been happening to mine that end up positive. So on one hand, I think they’re faulty but on the other, it could detect hcg so it takes a little longer. In my mind that makes sense lol

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The pregmates often have dye runs that get stuck in the indent. In my experience, if a pregmate was positive, the frer would be very noticeable. The frer here looks like a possible indent. So I would be interested in seeing what the blood test says

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that was my thought too but I told my doctor all of this and she wanted me to come in. So we’ll see! I’ll update everyone when I get the results

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I’ve never had a false test with pregmate but there’s always the chance����‍♀️ I see a line on the FRER so they could be truly positive. I’m curious what your blood test comes back as. I’ll say this, I’ve gotten a positive result from pregmate before I got a positive from my FRER, that’s why I use them ����‍♀️����‍♀️

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we will see! I haven’t had a period since having my daughter in May so if I actually bleed, I’ll have no way of knowing. But I’m sorry you went through that :(

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Omg this same exact thing is happening to me! I have like 3 faint positive pregmates I was hoping would get darker by now 12DPO but they’ve just been the same if not lighter and today’s was negative. Trying to wait out using my FRER. I really want to know your blood results because if you come up positive I might go straight for the blood test.

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I will update you! I haven’t gotten the results yet. I really think the tests were just defective but it will be nice to have peace of mind after I get the results. I don’t know that I’ll buy pregmate brand again.

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I hate pregmate and would just toss them out. I don’t see anything on the other two tests so I think it’s just a faulty bath of pregmate. On this app I have seen wildly dark false lines and completely negative when women have been pregnant. They seem to be very inconsistent and unreliable.

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yeah I don’t think I’ll buy them again. So frustrating!

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Positive for sure! I think I see something in the dollar test and the bottom one. Try with frer in the morning.

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I keep getting negative pregmate ones for the past couple days. I’m waiting on my blood work to come back ���� I’ll try another Walmart one tomorrow

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any updates?

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my blood test was negative. I’m sorry I forgot to update. I cannot believe I got those few very positive looking tests and I wasn’t pregnant. I won’t buy those again!

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Pregmate pregnancy tests- positive or negative? - Trying to Conceive | Forums | What to Expect (2025)
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